A Traveller’s Guide to the Bengaluru Trip

People visit Bengaluru either to work or to cure themselves. I went to work, but the curing was free for me. The hub of IT has a lot to offer for those who know how to take it. In today’s blog, let’s go beyond IT and see it from my view, a solo traveller’s viewpoint.

I got a sudden opportunity to visit Bengaluru, which was the first time to visited anything out of my state. I boarded my train on the 23rd of August, and I was not as excited as I should have been; it felt like adulting killed the excitement, But I was super happy to explore the unexplored. It was a long 34-hour journey, and ultimately, I reached Bengaluru on the 24th of August and the Rapido was the connector between my hostel and Bengaluru Rail Station. Once I reached it, I met with so many new people who played around different different fields. Till then, I was not aware of what the cosmopolitan city had kept for me.

In this blog, I will share my experience, and I will add some additional points to make your Bengaluru trip mesmerizing.


Sun Rise viewpoint on Nandi Hills:

I love mountains, I know, I shouldn’t tell you this. You all know it, and you all are passionate enough. Those who love roads and want to explore the unknown all love mountains. So why not start with the mountains? Wake up around 3:30 AM and reach around 5:30 as the Sun rises around 5:30-6:00 AM. If you don’t want to miss the mesmerizing experience, then don’t be late.

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The Ultimate Solo Travel Bucket List: 10 Must-Do Experiences

I got a partner, Vineeth, and we rented a bike on the 25th night and planned to visit Nandi Hills on the two-wheeler. We woke up late; we missed the sunrise, though no one was able to watch it due to fog. The journey was something beyond expectations. I always believe the journey is more interesting than the destination. We spent around 2 hours exploring everything we could have done. It is a must-visit from my end, and add it to your bucket right now.

TK Falls

Thankfully, my partner, Vineeth, travelled everywhere with me, and the bike ride was awesome. I always say the process is more beautiful than the destination. It was the 2nd of October and the last day in Bengaluru, so I started asking my hostel people where I go within 1 hour, and they suggested TK Falls, Damm! If I had not listened to them, I would have never felt the joy that I experienced on the journey.

I was about to finish the day without doing anything, but it was around 12. My other friend was packing her bag, and I asked my friend, Let’s have our lunch so we can have a crazy ride and we would be there by 2 PM; Bengaluru traffic is horrendous. Don’t worry. If you are travelling to Bengaluru, add this place to your itinerary right now; you won’t regret I promise.

Travelling alone is daunting, isn’t it? Still, we love the way it is. We accept the uncertainties, meet with new people, and, of course, enjoy the vibes.


Chikmagalur is 241 KM away from Bengaluru; I would still like to add this to the list. We all can agree on the importance of mountains in our travelling journey, so how can I say no to Chikmagalur? Though I couldn’t make this 4-hour journey, you should add this to your bucket right now. This hill station will offer you a deep forest and grassland. Oh wait, do you love coffee? If you are like me, then this place will make your thirdness for coffee more interesting as this place is known as the Coffee land of Karnataka.


Cubbon Park

I couldn’t make this as well sill this 300-acre park is full of Flora and Fauna. Aesthetic statues and buildings also surround it. You have to make it from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

Life is an open book, and travelling solo is the best treat to give to your life. You don’t know what next is waiting for you; you have to make all the decisions yourself. Similarly, Bengaluru was an eye-opener for me; people whom I met in my hostel didn’t do what I did within those few days.


Play Arena

My friend Vineeth kept talking about GoKarting from the first day; I had no idea what he was talking about, so when I got to know that there was a play arena on Sarjarpur main road, I wanted to go no matter what. It was the second last day of the Bengaluru trip. We left the office early, and we 6 went to the play arena. There were multiple events, and we did the laser and go-karting; I felt like, yeah, I can say I have done what F1 racers do.


I don’t know how many of you are a bibliophile like me; if book reading fascinates you, then the library in church street is your perfect paradise. The library is so awesome and rich in the variety of books. It stays open from 11:00 to 9:00 PM. You can have fun alongside knowledge. Your Attractive Heading


Let’s Wrap up

I can’t forget the fun I was able to do and the memories I made on my very first journey out of my state; this is just the start. I want to be a full-time solo traveller. If you are someone who is travelling to Bengaluru for the very first time, don’t forget to experience Bengaluru. Bengaluru has many things to give you beyond the traffic and high rents.

I would like to make more trips in the near future and share it all with you; though you all are reading it under the Indian solo trip, I will start another series. Stay tuned, keep travelling and let me know. So, if you have already travelled to Bengaluru, let me know how your experience was.

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